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Environment / 2 years ago
BASF to Clean Up Polluted Superfund Site in New Jersey
BASF is taking responsibility for restoring the polluted Superfund site in Toms River, New Jersey, with the help of the state of New Jersey and local residents. Together, they are committed to restoring the environment to its natural beauty.
BASF, a German chemical company, has agreed to restore damaged natural resources at the former Ciba Geigy plant in Toms River, New Jersey. The agreement was announced by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection on Monday. The plant has been a Superfund site since the 1980s due to decades of pollution and illegal dumping, which has caused vast contamination of the environment. Under the agreement, BASF will be responsible for restoring the damaged resources, including soil, water, and air quality. BASF is the corporate successor to Ciba Geigy, the company that originally operated the Toms River plant. The company has been working with the state of New Jersey to clean up the site since the 1990s, and has already invested millions of dollars in the effort. The restoration project is expected to take several years to complete. In the meantime, the state of New Jersey is encouraging local residents to take part in the cleanup efforts. “We are committed to restoring this site to its natural beauty,” said New Jersey DEP Commissioner Catherine McCabe. “We are grateful to BASF for their continued commitment to this project and look forward to seeing the positive results of their efforts.”
posted 2 years ago

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