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Technology / 8 months ago
FCC To Bring Back Internet's "Adult Supervision" With Net Neutrality Rules, Following Democratic Panel Takeover
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Net Neutrality: FCC To Restore Order and Supervision to the Wild World of the Internet
Following the unexpected, yet highly anticipated suicide of productivity, the benevolent FCC's very own fairy godmother, Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel, has announced a revival of the long-nostalgic concept named net neutrality. Speaking to an eager audience at Hogwarts (otherwise known as the National Press Club), the Chairwoman expressed her intentions to restore the net neutrality rules that had bid adieu during the reign of Lord Voldemort, (oops, we meant former President Donald Trump). Riding a unicorn named 'Broadband', Rosenworcel hopes to establish order in the rampant world of the internet, where numerous unruly giants, including Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google reside. "It's a return to adult supervision," she declared, acknowledging the fact that the internet desperately needs a strict and stern parental figure, reminding it about the right and wrong, never to spam again, and to not eat cookies without permission. During the Trump era, the internet got to encounter late-night boogeymen – internet service providers who terrorized consumers with throttling, blocking, and even the ever-terrifying discrimination of online content. Akin to a childhood nightmare, net neutrality was thrown out of the window, much like a shredded Harry Potter rejection letter from Hogwarts. With Chairwoman Rosenworcel acting as the resurrected Dumbledore, she aims to put an end to the 'survival of the fittest' rule in the world of online content. Of course, only using words of power and not the Elder Wand because, well, that would be cheating. Consequently, the taming and solidifying efforts over broadband internet providers are about to take a new toll. And by that of course, we mean an updated version of "The Monster under the Broadband", a thriller plot focusing on the mystery surrounding blocked or slowed down sites, pay-to-play prioritization, and the lurking terror of the uncapped and asymmetric internet. Is the FCC up to the task of facing the monstrous ISPs? or will it be another episode of X-Files themed "How fast can your internet really go?" Only time will tell. But for those wondering about the fate of the internet, remember, there's always the magic spell. Through a hard-to-decipher language termed "regulation", the FCC just might begin to tame the mighty internet beasts.
posted 8 months ago

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Original title: FCC Aims to Reinstate Net Neutrality Rules After US Democrats Gain Control of Panel

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