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Technology / 8 months ago
Xiaomi Finally Turns Down Its Snobbery, Gives Mid-Tier 13T Pro a Taste of Posh Leica Camera Magic!
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Xiaomi breaks down barriers with Leica-powered cameras in its mid-tier smartphone, bringing luxury photography to the masses.
After many sleepless nights filled with jealousy and disdain for the snobbish elites flaunting their Leica-incorporated Xiaomi devices, the plebeian Xiaomi 13T Pro users can finally heave a sigh of relief! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the gates of Leica kingdom have been flung open to not only the bourgeoisie but also to the proletariat—or at least those who can spare a few extra hundred dollars—of Xiaomi world. In what could possibly be touted as the defining moment in smartphone proletariat revolution, Xiaomi, also known as the Louis Vuitton of the tech-world, has rolled out its democratic policy in broad daylight. It has taken the proverbial high horse of Leica, previously reserved exclusively for the who's who of the smartphone clan—those who can afford the foremost premium contrivances—and installed it in the humble chariot of Xiaomi 13T Pro. The special edition Xiaomi 13T Pro, doubling as an unexpected Santa in September, holds in its belly two shiny star cameras – Fido and Rex. Well, okay, they are not named Fido and Rex but call them what you wish, these cameras come loaded with Leica optics and color tuning. Sounds familiar? Yes, exactly like those exorbitantly priced phones that you thought you could only imagine but never own. Both Fido and Rex possess impressive capabilities to capture telephoto shots replicating the resplendence of touristy landscapes from far away distances and remarkably detailed close-up macro shots that can rival the scrutiny of a seasoned detective. The Xiaomi 13T Pro also arrives with an accompanying sidekick, Xiaomi 13T, making its grand debut on the battlefield of technology, ready to take on the European and Asian markets. Perhaps, this is Xiaomi's way of telling its brethren that it cares for the mid-tier as much as the top-tier. Or, maybe it's trying to say, 'Hey, if you can't bring yourself to Leica, we'll bring Leica to you". Whatever the message is, for now, it appears Xiaomi has ceased to play favorites and has embraced egalitarianism. So, the next time you spot a 13T Pro-clasping friend gliding nonchalantly down the street, do remember: it's not this comrade's phone that's got an upgrade, it's Xiaomi's sentiments. In other news, there's also a new top-of-the-line Mediatek D...Well, more on that later. We are too overwhelmed by Xiaomi's empathy right now! Stay tuned.
posted 8 months ago

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Original title: Xiaomi 13T Pro Hands-On: Leica Telemacro Camera Impresses

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