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Politics / 7 months ago
Meta's Masterstroke: Luring Children to Instagram & Facebook with Candy Crush and Cat Videos
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Meta's Alleged Tactics: Candy Crush and Cat Videos Used to Lure Children to Instagram and Facebook
Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has taken a page out of the 'Hansel and Gretel' playbook, allegedly luring young children to its social media platforms – but instead of breadcrumbs, this time it's Candy Crush and cat videos. More than three dozen states filed lawsuits against Meta on Tuesday, accusing the tech giant of knowingly using features on Instagram and Facebook to make its platforms more "child-friendly" and "engaging." Meta, in a statement, said that these allegations were 'grossly misunderstood'. Their spokesperson clarified, "We are offended by the characterization that we are luring children with Candy Crush and cat videos. We also use dog posts, quirky memes and TikTok challenges." In a massive joint action led by Colorado, Tennessee and Massachusetts, a total of 33 states filed suits in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District, accusing the behemoth of causing an 'online child obesity' crisis. They argue that just as fast food industries are sued for adding extra cheese, Meta should be held accountable for these addictive social media trappings. State regulators presented evidence suggesting that Meta not only encouraged young users to 'gorge on' virtual candies in Candy Crush but also 'ooze over' cute cat videos. One shocked parent spoke out, lamenting, "My child used to be socially active, but now the only running they do is via Temple Run on Facebook gaming." Meta, however, has vehemently denied any allegations with a counter-argument stating, "Do cat videos really pose harm to kids? If anything, they have turned these kids into mini-zoologists. And as for Candy Crush, it is an innocent game strengthening color coordination and pattern identification, key skill sets for any real estate agents or carpet designers in the making." Despite frequent criticism and legal challenges, Meta continues to paint itself as a digital wonderland, managing to lure billions globally with the promise of infinite scroll, viral challenges, and heart-warming animal content. While the tech giant insists they're merely catering to consumer demand, the states involved in the lawsuit are calling it out as a high-tech form of manipulation, replacing the infamous white van with puppies and candy, with an endless parade of cat videos and gaming applications. The trial in this virtual 'Kid Candy Store' saga is still ongoing. Whether Meta will ultimately face penalties or continue operating as a 'public playground', only time will tell.
posted 7 months ago

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Original title: Meta Accused by States of Using Features to Lure Children to Instagram and Facebook

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